From Tech to Teaching Tomorrow’s Leaders
When it comes to places to make life-changing decisions, few can match the mind-focusing qualities of the inside of a tank. “It’s dark, it’s cramped.…
Shalem’s Old-New Strategy: An Interview with Prof. Efraim Inbar
Political scientist Prof. Efraim Inbar is deeply optimistic. Not because, sixteen months after October 7th, Israel’s defeat of its enemies is increasingly clear, and the…
A Still-Higher Challenge: Shalem Welcomes its 12th Class
When Hallel Shandor ’28 got the call on October 7th from a member of his special-operations unit, he was three days into his post-army climb…
Yair Shamir, Iris Haim Honored at Shalem’s Eighth Annual Commencement Ceremony
In a ceremony that was equal parts moving and uplifting, Shalem graduated its eighth academic class at its campus in Jerusalem on June 27th. Capping…
Largest-Ever Freshman Class Concludes a Year of Study and War
For many Israeli twenty-somethings, hatiyul hagadol (“the Big Trip”) is a rite of passage: a way to air out and readjust to the world after…
Shalem Grads Fight Invisible Battle: Rights for Reservists’ Wives
As with so many things in Israel, this too began as a WhatsApp group. “A bunch of women whose husbands had been drafted since October…
Shalem Launches One-of-a-Kind Program in Strategy, Diplomacy, and Security
Next month, Shalem College will conclude the first year of its new Program in Strategy, Diplomacy, and Security, designed to help prepare Israel’s future leaders…
The Learning Goes On: Students Find Strength in Wartime Through Philosophical Inquiry
In a sermon he delivered at Oxford University at the start of World War Two, author C.S. Lewis addressed the feeling, common to many students,…
Fear No Evil: Shalem Mission Brings North American Undergraduates to Jerusalem
In the weeks after October 7th, the Shalem College leadership met to discuss how it could assist both its students and the country as they…
Food for Hearts and Minds: Shalem Brings Ideas (and Meals) to the Front Lines
How a Shalem initiative ensures that Israel’s soldiers have not only home-cooked meals, but also food for thought.