ד"ר תמר אריאלי
ד"ר אריאלי היא מרצה בכירה במכללה האקדמית תל חי ובתוכנית לאסטרטגיה, דיפלומטיה וביטחון במרכז האקדמי שלם. המחקרים שלה מתמתקדים במושג הגבול ובהשלכות של תהליכי מעבר בין מצבי יציבות וסכסוך על אזורי גבול. ד"ר אריאלי פרסמה מאמרים בתחומים שונים, ובהם בתיאוריה של גבולות במצבי בתר-סכסוך, מדיניות פיתוח אזורי גבול ופריפריה, שיתוף פעולה כלכלי וסביבתי חוצה-גבולות, וכן מושג הגבול בספרות חז"ל.
פרטי התקשרות
פרסומים נבחרים
Tamar Arieli & G. Schaffer, “Ideology, Environment, and Open Space in Conflict Arenas: The Discrepancies and Harmonizing Strategies of West Bank Israeli Settlers,” Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 41(7) (2023), pp. 1441-1458.
Tamar Arieli, “Aqaba and Eilat: Twenty-Five Years of ‘Good Neighborly Relations’ in a Post-Conflict Environment,” in E. Mikhailova & J. Garrard (eds.) Twin Cities across Five Continents: Interactions and Tensions on Urban Borders (1st ed.) (Routledge, 2022).
Tamar Arieli & Y. Kahn, “Post Conflict Normalization through Trade Preferential Agreements: Egypt, Israel and the Qualified Industrial Zones,” Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy (2020).
Tamar Arieli & Y. Kahn, “Transforming Regions of Conflict through Trade Preferential Agreements: Israel, Jordan and the QIZ Initiative,” Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy (2019) (published online).
Tamar Arieli, “Inter-Municipal Cooperation and Ethno-Social Disparity in Peripheral Regions,” Regional Studies, 53(2) (2019), pp. 183-194.
Tamar Arieli & Amos Israel-Vleeschhouwer, "Borders and Bordering in Jewish Geopolitical Space," Geopolitics (2019).
Amos Israel-Vleeschhouwer & Tamar Arieli, “Borders in Space and in Jewish Law,” Mehkarei Mishpat, Cross-Border Law Volume, 31(3) (2019), pp. 749-785 (Hebrew)
Tamar Arieli, "Negev Bedouins and the State of Israel: Social Conflict and Territorial Dispute," California Western International Law Journal, 49(1) (2018), Article 5.
Tamar Arieli, “Municipal Cross-Border Cooperation in the Post Conflict Environment: The Gulf of Aqaba," Territory, Politics, Governance, 4(3) (2016), pp. 319-336.
Tamar Arieli, "Borders, Conflict and Security," International Journal of Conflict Management, 27(4) (2016).
Nissim Cohen & Tamar Arieli, “Policy Entrepreneurship, Conflict and the Challenge of Normalization in Border Environments,” Politika, 24 (2015), pp. 33-63. (Hebrew)
Tamar Arieli, “Borders and Policy: Local Interests and National Security Perspectives: Policy Formation in the Southern Arava Valley,” Hamerchav Hatziburi, 8 (2014). (Hebrew)
Tamar Arieli & Nissim Cohen, “Policy Entrepreneurship in Post Conflict Borders: Conceptual Framework and the Israeli-Jordanian Experience,” Policy Sciences, 46(3) (2013), pp. 237-256.
Tamar Arieli, ”Borders of Peace in Policy and Practice: An Analysis of the Israel-Jordan Border Management,” GeoPolitics, 17)3) (2012), pp. 658-680.
Tamar Arieli & Nissim Cohen, "Research in Conflict Environments: Accessing Hidden and Hard-to-Reach Populations Using the Snowball Sampling Method: The Case Study of the Israeli-Arab Conflict," Politika, 12 (2012), pp. 2-26. (Hebrew)
Nissim Cohen and Tamar Arieli, "Field Research in Conflict Environments: Methodological Challenges and Snowball Sampling,” Journal of Peace Research, 48(4) (2011), pp. 423-435.
Tamar Arieli, "Israeli-Palestinian Border Enterprises Revisited," Journal of Borderlands Studies, 24)1( (2009), pp. 1-14.